A Transcript of My First Date Since 2020

Written by Bob Eckstein

Editor’s Note: For legal reasons, portions of this conversation have been redacted.

Cartoon by Bob Eckstein

A Transcript of My First Date Since 2020

Me: Gail? Gail Bedarski? 

Gail Bedarski: Yes, tthhhhh teen.

Me: Oh, good. I was starting to worry you wouldn’t show…

Gail Bedarski:  nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Me: Well you said you’d be wearing a coat and shoes but that didn’t narrow it down much…I approached two other women earlier.

Gail Bedarski: you must be Tim. You come here often?

Me: I didn’t have a recent picture so that is me when I had hair. But I’m wearing the same shirt.

Gail Bedarski: Yes, tthhhhh teen.

Me: And you look different from your profile.

Gail Bedarski:  Jjakkkkk dffahhhs. Manna man you, Gahan nan manna.

Me: It IS bright in here. Especially for a beer garden. Do you drink?

Gail Bedarski: No. But I’m about to start.

Me: That’s funny. Well, no better time than the present. 

Host: Feel free to sit where you want. 

Gail Bedarski: Jam mma ma the.

Me: That’s for one. There’s a table over there…

Gail Bedarski: Jam mma ma the.

Me: Okay, then we can grab the one by the exit. Why don’t you take off your coat?

Gail Bedarski: An.

Me: I don’t bite. [pause] Unless you’re into that.

Gail Bedarski: Jam mma ma the. 

Me: Wow, are you a personal trainer…or a body double…or something? 

Gail Bedarski: He ann Adan. Amid Rhenish ama her man hey ther. Eh whew me a mama Amman Anna ehh a man mma Akkadian LLP. Ammma wwja ma Malala ahhhaa. Mask ma mama Jee ma lol mmaakak ma mmmaa, mama, ma ma….he and Sam’s am s mama.

Me: Wooo, I meant it as a compliment, please, no need to put your coat back on. It’s been a long time since I got out. I haven’t seen many bodies for awhile. [long awkward silence] What do you do for a living?

Gail Bedarski: My naaa mmaaka at ganne AASA.

Me: Get out. My sister works as an H.R., too. You’d like her. [long pause] She’s in great shape…

Gail Bedarski: He ann Adan. Amid Rhenish ama her man hey ther. Eh whew me a mama Amman Anna ehh a man mma Akkadian LLP. Ammma wwja ma Malala ahhhaa. Mask ma mama Jee ma lol mmaakak ma mmmaa, mama, ma ma….he and Sam’s am s mama.

Me: It was a joke. 

Gail Bedarski: He ann Adan. Amid Rhenish ama her man hey ther. Eh whew me a mama Amman Anna ehh a man mma Akkadian LLP. Ammma wwja ma Malala ahhhaa. Mask ma mama Jee ma lol mmaakak ma mmmaa, m

Me: I think you misunderstood. Besides, she’s just my step-sister.

Gail Bedarski: He ann Adan. Amid Rhenish ama her man hey ther. Eh whew me a mama Amman Anna ehh a man mma Akkadian LLP. Ammma wwja ma Malala ahhhaa. Mask ma mama Jee ma lol mmaakak ma mmmaa, mama, ma ma….he and Sam’s am s mama.

Me: I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m looking for a strong independent woman who speaks her mind.

Gail Bedarski: haan nna I amm.

Me: I hear ya’. I have to get up early tomorrow, too. I have to in my line of work.

Gail Bedarski: Née, tthe nwnw me.

Me: No, don’t be afraid to ask. I open up a soup kitchen downtown. After I retired, I wanted to give back to the community.

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man.

Me: A Formula 1 race car driver.

Gail Bedarski: Me nat and am doing nndnn.

Me: No, my name wouldn’t come up in Google—I was a race car driver in Europe. 

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man.

Me: Really? Well, no need to take out your iPhone—

Gail Bedarski: Me Ann Dede Jake manna Kia ma Amid Rhenish ama her man hey ther. Eh whew me a mama Amman Anna ehh a man mma Akkadian LLP. Ammma wwja ma Malala ahhhaa. Mask ma mama Jee ma lol mmaakak ma mmmaa, mama, ma ma….he and Sam’s am s mama.

Me: Yeah, I don’t know.

Gail Bedarski: Nhh mama nana.

Me: I lived in Bruges for a dozen years. I love Belgium. The culture, the wine, the waffles…

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man.

Me: Well, sure, I’m originally from Commack, Long Island.

Gail Bedarski: No man.

Me: I love your sense of humor. You should do stand-up…

Gail Bedarski: Me Ann Dede Jake manna Kia ma Amid Rhenish ama her man hey ther. Eh whew me a mama Amman Anna ehh a man mma Akkadian LLP. Ammma wwja ma Malala ahhhaa. Mask ma mama Jee ma lol mmaakak ma mmmaa, mama, ma ma….he and Sam’s am s mama.

Me: Yeah, I don’t like dating either. It’s rough out there. 

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man

Me: Right, I meant here, too. [pause] What do you do for fun?

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man

Me: No, that doesn’t sound like fun. Really, four kids?…

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man

Me: I love kids. 

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: And three cats? Well, my place is small but thanks for the offer…

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: Who said anything about Adele?

Gail Bedarski: Me thee man.

Me: No, you can take the call. It is funny how it’s exactly 8pm.

Gail Bedarski: Me thee [screaming into the phone, in a panic]

Me: There’s no heat at the house? And the babysitter saw a ghost?…And the smoke alarm is going off somewhere?

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: That’s a lot happening over there.

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: Well, you should go. Want me to go with you and help? 

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: Or not.

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: So this is it? What I waited for these two years?

Gail Bedarski: Me thee

Me: Best we leave before the waiter comes back. I’m not sure how these apps work but I just received a text from eCompromise stating our date is over and would I please take a survey. Am I supposed to leave a review of you?

Gail Bedarski: Me theeMe thee man.

Me: I don’t even know what that means.

Gail Bedarski: MMe theeMe thee man.

Me: Right, we should not go out together. 

Gail Bedarski: MMe theeMe thee man.

Me: I meant right now but okay, ever. We can do rock-paper-scissors to see who leaves first?

Gail Bedarski: Me theeMjj

Me: Okay, go use the restroom first. 

[15 minutes later]

Waitress: Are you ready to order?


PS - Don't miss Bob Eckstein's upcoming book, The Complete Book of Cat Names (That Your Cat Won't Answer to, Anyway)

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