Off the Phone Podcast, Ep. 1: Gambling


This is the newest podcast added to the Big Laugh Comedy Network and this week, the hosts kick things off with Gambling.

Let's do it.

Watch episode 1 of the Off the Phone podcast here: 

Timestamps for this episode:

00:00 - Start 

01:38 - The struggles of reading 

03:38 - Objective vs Subjective 

03:50 - Right vs Left 

05:00 - The Truman Show Delusion 

06:07 - The Photo War 

11:58 - Undefeated at rock, paper, scissors 

13:34 - How to cold read 

16:27 - Roulette score fail 

18:27 - FedEX gets saved by gambling 

20:30 - Nevada state prison casino 

23:21 - The first crypto 

27:43 - longest winning streak of red 

28:54 - The Hot Hand Fallacy 

33:14 - Mattress Mack and the biggest sports bet in history 

33:55 - Playing Texas Hold Em' for 60 hours straight 

38:15 - Casino bans 

39:42 - Gambling gave us the sandwich 

45:43 - Playing card suit origins 

45:30 - 52 Factorial 

01:10:00 - Sunk Cost Fallacy 

01:12:55 - The largest loser in Vegas history 

01:19:10 - Origins of the lottery

Follow the hosts of Off the Phone

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Fuzzy Khilji:

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